Reiki Courses – Reiki Training and Attunement
Learn about Reiki, an Universal Energy that has been used all over the world to restore and balance every aspect of a person; mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
Anyone can learn Reiki, no pre-qualifications are required just the desire to learn, use and work with Reiki.
To be able to channel Reiki a student needs to attend a course and receive attunements in person from a Reiki Master Teacher.
Attunements are the gentle ceremonies/processes which connect a student to the source of Reiki and enable them to channel Reiki for themselves and others.
Reiki Level 1 Certified Course
You will be initiated by a Reiki Master Teacher via an attunement ceremony called Reiju (pronounced Ray-Joo). There are 4 attunements for Reiki 1.
The course also covers the history of Reiki, how to self-heal using Reiki and an introduction to the chakras (energy centres) of the body. You will explore how Reiki works and begin practising using this amazing energy with yourself.
You will receive a certificate at the end of the course.
Option 1: 2-Day Group Course
Reiki Level 1 is held over two consecutive days. Course materials will be supplied on the first day.
Student numbers on each course are strictly limited to ensure each student receives the support that they need. The two days are very special and students talk of huge personal and spiritual growth as a result. To achieve this process there are a maximum of four students per group.
£200 A non-refundable booking deposit of £50 is required to secure your place.
Option 2: 1-day, One-to-one Tuition
Reiki Level 1 is taught as a one-day course on a one to one basis.
The course is condensed to one day. This option is only available to students who wish to be taught on a one-to-one basis.
£200 A non-refundable booking deposit of £50 is required to secure your place.
For upcoming dates, please see below, or get in touch for up to date course dates.
Please email me directly if you are interested in booking onto a course.

Reiki Level 2 Certified Course –
£250 (A non-refundable booking deposit of £50 is required to secure your place).
You must have a valid Reiki I Certificate to prove that you have already studied Reiki 1 and I will need to see this before you can book onto the course. It is advisable that you have spent at least three months practising Reiki since your Level 1 training.
Reiki Level 2 is held over two consecutive days. Students are now introduced to Reiki symbols which will further enhance the skills learned in Reiki Level 1. There will be one further attunement which allows the use of Reiki symbols, together with exploring their relevance and their uses. We will also build on subjects covered in Reiki Level 1 and will now start to learn more about working on other people.
To achieve this process there are a maximum of 3 students per group. Student numbers on each course are strictly limited to ensure each student receives the support that they need.
A certificate will be issued on the day to say that you have attended the course. If you decide that you would like to go on to become a Reiki Practitioner i.e. get paid for Reiki treatments, or give treatments on a voluntary basis you will be required to carry out case studies. Once these are completed and marked you will be issued with another certificate to confirm that you have been taught to practitioner level. There is an additional fee of £50 for marking case studies and issuing the practitioner certificate.
For upcoming dates, please see below, or get in touch for up to date course dates.
Please email me directly if you are interested in booking onto a course.
Reiki Refresher Course
Attuned to Reiki but not practised in a while?
This course has been developed as a result of an increasing number of enquiries from people who wish to resume their use of Reiki but feel ‘rusty’ and unsure of how to do so.
PREREQUISITE: You must be attuned to Usui Reiki Level I, II or III and must have a certificate to prove this. This is not a replacement, fast track, or short cut to gain a Reiki qualification or certificate. Please view the Certified Courses if you are not already attuned to Reiki.
Reiki Level 1 Refresher
Option 1
You can join one of our two-day Level 1 courses and receive a discount as you will not be receiving attunements or certificates. Please see above for more details and for course dates.
Reiki Level 1 refresher: £175
Option 2
Reiki Level 1 is taught as a one-day course on a one to one basis.
The course is condensed to one day. This option is only available to students who wish to be taught on a one-to-one basis
This work shop includes:
- Refreshing knowledge; sharing experiences, asking questions, support through discussion and practical experience
- Meditations to help your Reiki practice
- Connecting to Reiki for self-healing
There are no attunements or certificates with this work shop. I must reiterate that without already having a previous certificate you cannot attend as a refresher.
Reiki Level 2 Refresher
You can join one of our two-day Level 2 courses and receive a discount as you will not be receiving attunements or a certificate. Please see above for more details and for course dates.
Reiki Level 2 refresher: £210
Proof of prior certificate will be required to book a refresher.
Course Dates: Please email me directly if you are interested in booking onto a refresher course.
Reiki Share Circles
Up to 6 people can attend (see below). This is an opportunity for individuals who have received Reiki training to work on each other. You can attend whether you are trained to Reiki Level I, II or III. You do not need to be working as a practitioner. You MUST however be Reiki attuned.
In general, each attendee simultaneously practices Reiki on a recipient (another member of the group) for a set amount of time, usually 15 minutes. The recipient then exchanges places with a practitioner until each individual in the group have received their Reiki treatment. It’s a very loving environment, as it breaks down boundaries in a safe, compassionate manner and allows individuals to help each other. It is also an opportunity to share experiences and information.
Dates & Cost: Please email me directly if you are interested in attending a Reiki Share Group.